CRICK Postdoctoral Career Development Fellowships for Clinicians

The Francis Crick Institute Postdoctoral career development fellowships for clinicians NOW OPEN.

Application deadline: 30 April 2021

These fellowships provide funding for one year full-time or two years part-time postdoctoral research experience for clinicians in a Crick Research Group. Fellows with their own salary funded via NIHR, their universities or other external funding schemes may also apply to be hosted within a Crick research group. The fellowships aim to:

• Foster long-term clinical links and collaborations.
• Provide clinicians with a postdoctoral extension of their research experience, and with scientific networking, training and career development opportunities.
• Provide a platform from which fellows may apply for external funding, e.g. clinician scientist fellowships, to be held at the Crick or elsewhere. 

Fellows at the Crick are embedded in a vibrant multidisciplinary research community of more than 1000 scientists carrying out research to improve our understanding of health and disease. They benefit from an extensive seminar programme including Crick lectures, Interest Group seminars and Symposia, from clinical academic networking opportunities, and from comprehensive training and career development activities including technical training via our Science Technology Platforms, science communication and grant writing.

Looking for talented and motivated postdoctoral clinical fellows who are passionate about research and show outstanding potential for continuing a career in academic medicine. Applicants should have completed a medical degree, or equivalent clinical professional qualification, and hold, or be about to hold, a research PhD.

Applications are welcome from all medical and surgical specialties.  For information on how to apply, visit:

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