BASO 2023 Annual Scientific Conference and BASO Trainees Meeting

5th-7th November 2023

Meeting Theme: Clinical and Research Excellence in Surgical Oncology

2023 BASO COnf Banner-photo

(Click on the image above to browse the conference photographs)

We would like to extend our gratitude to our valued members, distinguished delegates, inspiring speakers and generous sponsors for their pivotal role in making the BASO 2023 Annual Scientific Conference and BASO Trainees Meeting an outstanding success.  As an organisation, our commitment to delivering education is of paramount importance, and we deeply appreciate your unwavering support in joining us for this extraordinary meeting.

MEETING Programme

2023 BASO Conf - Final Programme1

The meeting showcased symposias, debate session, roundtable discussions, and prestigious plenary awards orations with an audience with our keynote speakers & award recipient.



TALK: 'Cancer Research Challanges: Opportunities for Surgical Oncology Research'

Professor Isabel-Teresa Rubio, President ESSO, Professor of Surgery, Universad de Navarra, Madrid, Spain

TALK: 'Prehabiliation in Surgical Oncology - where are we in 2023?'

Professor Susan J Moug, Honorary Professor, Royal Alexandra Hospital, Glasgow

TALK: 'Single port Robotics Hope or Hype'

Professor John Marks, Chief of Colorectal Surgery, Lankenau Medical Center, USA

23Keynote - I Rubio 23 Keynote - S Moug 23 Keynote - J Marks


BASO Raven Lifetime Achievement Award: Presented to Professor Paul H Sugarbaker, Surgical Oncologist, Washington Cancer Institute, USA.

23 RR - 4
23 RR - 2
23 RR - 3

Geoff Oates Award: Presented to Miss Rachel Hargest, Clinical Senor Lecturer, and Consultant Colorectal Surgeon, University Hospital of Wales.

23 Geoff oates 23 Geoff oates -2 23 Geoff oates -3

Uccio Querci della Rovere Award: Presented to Professor Lynda Wyld, Professor of Surgical Oncology, University of Sheffield Medical School.

23 Uccio 23 Uccio 23 Uccio


(presented at this meeting)

  • Ronald Raven Oral Presentation Prize - Mr Nav Thavanesan
  • BASO~ACS Oral Presentation Prize - Mr Declan McDonnell
  • Alan Edward Poster Prize - Miss Niamh McKigney
  • BASO Trainees Oral Presentation Prize - Mr Charles Rayner
  • BASO Trainees Poster Prize - Miss Hannah Bolland
  • BASO Medical Student Oral Presentation Prize - Miss Duaa Faruqi + Mr Ahmed Salih
  • BASO Medical Student Poster Presentation Prize - Miss Olivia Knutson

Accepted abstracts will be published in the digital edition of the EJSO 50/1. CLICK HERE TO VIEW ABSTRACTS

BASO~ACS Programme Sponsors

Support grants was provided towards the BASO programme, which has been designed independently by the BASO~ACS Scientific Meeting Committee. BASO~ACS acknowledges and appreciates the support from our sponsor
23-trade - Ariane
23 Trade Civica
23 Trade Zeiss

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