Research and Trials
Mammographic surveillance in breast cancer patients
aged 50 years or older
Mammo-50 is a multi-centre, randomised, controlled, phase
III trial of annual mammography versus 2 yearly for conservation
surgery patients or 3 yearly for mastectomy patients.
There will also be an observational cohort study offered to
those patients for whom the specialist or patient opts for standard
mammography per local practice or immediate discharge to the
screening programme or stopping mammography altogether.
An integrated feasibility study will assess the willingness for
centres and patients to participate in the trial and explore
reasons for non-randomisation of the cohort patients.
All patients will be asked to complete the Mammo-50 patient
questionnaire booklet and followed up in terms of recurrence and
survival in accordance with the protocol.
For more information, please click here

International Multicenter Tool to Predict the Risk of
Nonsentinel node Metastases in Breast Cancer.
Click here to view.
The nomogram we have developed is now
available to download for free as an app for your iPhone/iPad. Just
search for "Predictive Tools for Breast Cancer" on your Application
This tool needs calibration according to local practice (this is
because the number of retrieved nodes may vary
according to surgeons and pathologists).
You will therefore need to enter 2 figures (In the first line of
each tool) as follows:
a) For risk prediction of additional
nodes the prevalence of nonsetinel N+ in our institutional series
is 35. This is an example only and you will need to enter
b) For risk prediction of N2 (I.e.
=/>4 nodes) nodes after macrometastatic Sentinel Node Biopsy is
6. This is an example only and you will need to enter yours.
Feedback on this tool is welcomed. Please send
to Riccardo A. Audisio, MD,
FRCS c/o