Ms Melissa Oliveira Cunha
Ordinary Trustee
Ms Melissa Oliveira Cunha graduated from the University of
Estate of Sao Paulo (UNESP) in 2000. Melissa completed her basic
surgical training in the North West Deanery followed by a period of
research in molecular cancer biology and she was awarded a PhD from
The University of Manchester. She moved to East Midlands for her
higher surgical training and gained experience in general and
colorectal surgery. In 2017, she undertook a travelling fellowship
to Habr-Gama Institute in Brazil to study advances of non-operative
management o rectal cancer, having been awarded a Duke's (national)
fellowship. On completion of her training in 2018, Melissa joined
the colorectal surgery department at Queen Elizabeth Hospital.
Melissa is passionate about education and holds a master's in
medical education and is currently Training Programme Director in
Education for Higher Surgical Training in West Midlands. She has
developed multiple courses to train surgeons. She is also the
president of the Birmingham Ileostomy Association supporting people
living with an ileostomy or internal pouch within the Birmingham
Ms Cunha is appointed as the BASO Trustee in November 2023.