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BASO Statement on Covid-19

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Dear Colleagues,

We are all working in incredibly challenging circumstances. The global landscape has changed in such a short space of time with the stark reality of the Coronavirus COVID-19 crisis. As healthcare workers, we shall all be facing significant challenges in the weeks and months ahead.

As doctors we all have general responsibilities in relation to COVID-19 and for these we should seek out and act upon national and local guidelines. These are constantly evolving, and we should adhere to the latest advice available (which may change from the information posted here). Guidance from NHSI/E and PHE is being frequently updated as the national caseload and required response in evolving. Your Trust will have an Incident Management Team in place and will have plans on what activity continues in light of pressure on services and staffing. Please consult with your local management team.We would encourage you to visit for the latest information on COVID-19, to find out what the symptoms are and how to help prevent the spread.

Personal Protective Equipment and COVID-19

If you are unable to access the appropriate PPE, please report this:

• Individually:

to  the Royal College of Physicians Data from this link is taken off on a daily basis.

• For organisations:

to report supply disruption please use the helpline on 0800 915 9964 or email: These are being answered 24/7 & emails will be answered within one hour

*Advice is correct at posted date, but this may change in the future*

Best Wishes,

BASO~ACS Council

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