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2023 Call for Nominations for BASO Trustee Positions

Opportunities to become more involved with BASO~ACS. BASO welcomes those individuals who are actively contributing to the surgical cancer community to be on the BASO Council, provided they become Full BASO~ACS Member. Please encourage your colleagues to join and be a part of the growing community of cancer surgeons and trainees engaged in supporting advancement in cancer care, education, research, and training.

A call for nominations for the following positions have been circulated:

BASO Trustees:

  • BASO Vice President
  • Ordinary Member

BASO Regional Reps

BASO~ACS is looking into ways to expand the presence of the society and encourage engagementwith our membership across the UK so we can best serve the needs of our members and cancer surgeons generally. BASO invites nomination for representatives in the following areas:

  • East of England Region
  • South Central Region
  • Northern Ireland
  • South West Region
  • London
  • West Midlands Region
  • Wales
  • North East Region
  • Yorkshire & Humber Region
  • South East Coast Region

For eligibility details and nomination process, contact BASO OFFICE.

Nominations must reach the BASO~ACS office by no later than midday on Friday, 30th June 2023.

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